With all the running around, squatting and going up and down stairs while lifting heavy cans of paint you would think I would not feel so out of shape but I do. The reality behind getting one house ready to rent, moving everything out of it and your family while renovating another house is that there isn’t time for much else. Going to the gym despite my best efforts has just not fit into the schedule.
Trust me, I have tried. I crave the stress relief, the feeling of the endorphins kicking in and knowing that despite eating lunch with all the contractors working on the house with me I’m still going to fit into my pants.
That last one is the most frustrating. I’m not going to buy new clothes I just need to find a workout to jump start me.
Not Insanity but Intensity. That’s what I need.
I managed to carve out some time just before the boxes took over every room of my house making me feel like a hoarder and do this workout. I love BeFit. Their workouts are as intense as you want and whatever level and kind you want. Did I mention that they are FREE! Oh, indeed. In 25 minutes I feel stronger, alert and ready to tackle whatever challenge comes my way. Doing it 2-3 times a week keeps muscles defined and my weight maintained. That’s what I need to be doing, so far it was only once a week. Once we survive the first weekend in our new house it will be back to it.
Max Cardio Challenge Workout

stylish outfit!
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