A Scarf Across the Pond: Swap it – Wear it!



Blogging can create some weird moments.  It creates real friendships that span the globe, business opportunities and some funny fashionable moments, like this scarf.  A scarf that went across the pond for swap it and wear it.

See it peeking out underneath the rubber gloves?

I received this ridiculously pretty and fun Christmas box from a blogging Secret Santa group I joined last year.  Turns out my Secret Santa was an actual friend and she sent this beautiful scarf from California with some other fabulous items.  It was such a joy and surprise to open up the box.

Then, a new blog friend Angele The European Malteser in Germany asked if I wanted to swap and style an item together.  Absolutely!  I immediately styled the scarf my favorite way and sent it off to Angele for her take on it.

The Reveal….



Forever 21 Pink Sweater (old) (similar)/ Old Navy Pencil Skirt/Black Tights/Black Booties (similar) (similar)/Scarf (similar) (similar)



The rules are simple:

  1. Follow Victoria on Bloglovin and European Malteser on Bloglovin.
  2. Follow me on Instagram and European Malteser on Instagram.
  3. Link back to Victoria or European Malteser.
  4. Meet new friends, leave comments and have fun!

TMC’s Whatcha Wearing Wednesday is looking for Co-Host’s! Interested? Just send me an email for more details! Are you trying to grow your blog or store? If so, I’m currently taking advertising bookings! For more details, email me.

Linking up with Mix It Mondays /The Pleated Poppy/Because Shanna Said So/Style Elixir/DC in Style/Manic Monday/RealMomStyle/


  1. says

    Isn’t it incredible how you can make real friendships over the internet…and WHERE can I sign up for a blogging secret santa I LOVE this idea!

    You styled this scarf beautifully and it is perfect for spring. Thank you so much for hosting the linkup and have a great day.

    Angie from reasons to dress

  2. Victoria says

    Quick question ladies, can you see the picture with Angele and I together? I can but it seems not everyone can. Thanks!

  3. says

    hi Victoria! I’m new to your blog, hop everything. nice to meet you and thanks for hosting a fun hop on a Wednesday! ♥

  4. Angele says

    Vicki – Thank you for having me today and the fun post – I’m so happy we got to do this!

    I am copying your outfit and trying a scarf tucked in a belt – you totally inspired me.

    btw – I am still not seeing the collages on your post. …HOW STRANGE is that!!!
