Taking a little break from fashion, fitness and cars I bring you something that the little people in my house are passionate about right now. American Girl dolls and all that the brand encompasses. We are such a big #AG house with three girls under the age of 10. Each time a new doll debuts it is a major full-on squealing deal. Phone calls are made to friends. Hours are logged online looking at each and ever accessory. It’s like me with my online shopping habit. So, I’m super excited to announce I am giving away the newest American Girl doll, Maryellen Larkin.
I love this message. It goes so well with American Girl’s new initiative #AGForAllGirls that asks girls to unite together and take a pledge that they will work together in all ways and support each other rather than tearing each other down.
Now, on to the GIVEAWAY! One Maryellen Larkin doll ($115) will be given away. The winner chosen at random on Tuesday, October 6, 2015. US Residents only.