You guys are well-informed about how much #iloveoctober. It’s an obsession that has me proclaiming, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” every morning when I walk the girls to the bus stop and breathe in the smells of fresh-cut grass mixed with decaying leaves. It’s the best! I call it October Madness
So, when I got sick last week (hell, I’m still sick) at the very start of the week and just went downhill as the week progressed, I was not pleased. It also played havoc on my work and any sort of fashion statements I was planning on making. The fall festival? I missed it. Sitting in golden sunshine? Looked at it from a window as I lay in bed watching every episode of ‘How to Get Away with Murder’. All I am going to say is this, whatever it was I had, it was bad. A mixture of your worst strep and cold and flu together. Four days of fever is not fun. I’m sick of my bed.
However, being that sick made me miss my family so much. I missed the day-to-day chaos and big and small moments with my girls. I missed hugs and talking (I couldn’t) and hearing about their days and what H was up to in his daily routine. I missed time with friends and realized how incredibly fast our life goes each day and how much I want and need it to slow down. Less is more. I can feel it. It takes longer for me to get better the older I get. I cherish October so much but I cherish my time with family and friends so much more after having to step away from it all. I realize how badly I need it to be a little bit less so I can enjoy them a whole lot more.
For this week’s Whatcha Wearing Wednesday I give you the last two days, when I was finally able to get up, get dressed and walk my girls to school. It’s not much, but I’m thankful and grateful for it all.
Mocassins/Mustard Jeans/Chambray Shirt
Boyfriend Jeans/Leopard Slides/J.Crew Factory Jeweled Sweatshirt (similar)
And my favorite look from last week’s link up comes from I Spy Oby and her ‘Pumpkins’ post.
Simple, totally spot on fall and a look that is able to be layered and looks good on everyone. #nailedit
Forever 21 Faux Leather Mini Satchel/Forever 21 Ribbed Knit Trapeze Dress (similar)/Booties (similar)
Linking up with Mix It Mondays /The Pleated Poppy/Style Elixir/Beauty101byLisa/Style Nudge

Being sick is never fun – hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy October!
Hope to see your Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
hope you get better soon
thank you for hosting the link up
Feel better dear! Love, Kirsten xx
So so sorry sweet lady!! I know being sick sucks!! Feel lots better and enjoy the last week and a half of this glorious month. P.S. YOU look cute in your pics!!
feel better and enjoy what’s left of october <3
Southern Elle Style
Thanks for hosting the linkup! I love your jeweled sweater!
Lee | LegalLee Blonde
I can relate to being sick and not being able to do the thing you were planning to do. Feel better! Love the chambray and yellow jeans. The pop of yellow is a good way to cheer anyone up.
Oh no I am so sorry you were sick, mom being sick is the worst!
Being sick really stinks, especially when it happens during your favorite time of the year. Feel better soon!
I have that same J Crew jewelled sweater and I LOVE IT!
Love that embellished sweatshirt!
glad you’re feeling better! Loving those mustard pants!
I am sorry you were sick. I love October too. I need to start watching “How to get away with murder”. If you like that you would love “Quantico” and “Blindspot”. Are you watching any of those? I love that first outfit, too. I need some mustard pants.
Pleasure linking up as always, Victoria. <3 Ada.
So glad you’re feeling better! Love the jeweled sweatshirt. So pretty!
Sorry you’re sick. feel better. Love that chambray and yellow.
I too have been sick this past week and it is no fun. I actually stayed in bed for two day and I haven’t done that in years. I’m glad you are feeling better. We do tend to take things for granted and slowing down is a wonderful way to enjoy our joyful moments. I love your everyday looks – pretty good for not feeling well! Thank you for hosting and for linking up with SHOE AND TELL on Style Nudge!