I said it before and I will keep saying it. 2017 is all about the hustle. That means working smarter is absolutely imperative. This video I created just for you my lovely readers is all about 3 ways to work smarter and be more productive and it applies to all areas of life.
Some days I feel like a shark swimming through the water. My goals are like tiny drops of blood that I’m tracking down and tackling one by one, day by freakin’ day. Chomp!
Bonus tip! Each day I write out my tasks for the day and check them off as I complete them. At the end of the day I’m writing down all my accomplishments in a notebook. That notebook is for accomplishments ONLY. It helps to keep me accountable but also to see the progress I’m making in small ways that add up to the bigger picture.
I also have weekly goals that assist me in working towards my monthly ones. They all lead me back to the big goals I created at the beginning of the year. It takes focus and discipline every. day. and often times it means I’m shutting down email, all social media and sticking my phone in another room but it is working and in turn it is MOTIVATING! You should try it. I bet you like it. I can feel my past cheerleader roots coming back to haunt me. #noshame.
What are you doing to stay motivated? How do you tackle your goals?

Victoria, thank you for sharing these tips! I seriously have been just getting in my own way lately. I need to change some things and start getting all my sh*t done! I hate this feeling of spinning my wheels. There is so much I want/need to get done….I am going to try this out! Thank you so much…I needed to read this today!
I’m so glad!! I know exactly what you mean about getting in your own way too. I have that tendency as well. I find that making a list each night for the next day works well for me. I even make lists on completing projects so that I take each project one step at a time. That helps when a job seems daunting.
I’ll have more next week!