Raise your hand if you have ever felt guilty about doing something nice for yourself.
I think it is safe to say that we have all been there, done that. Knock it off and change-up your behavior. Like, right now. Here’s why you should stop feeling guilty and start being healthy.
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This isn’t groundbreaking stuff or new to anyone. We all know we need to take care of ourselves, but somehow we get these mixed messages from the outside world that tell us that to be a good person, mother, wife, friend, co-worker we need to be giving to others all the time. If not, then we are selfish.
That’s a bunch of bullshit right there.
If you feel guilty trying to eat better because others around you don’t want to, then I’m sorry, you need to find people who will keep you on track. The same goes for keeping up whatever goals or milestones you are setting for yourself whether it has to do with work, fitness, eating or whatever. Maybe it is just reading a book because you miss it. Get that damn book and find 30 minutes to read it instead of folding laundry. I’m pretty sure the laundry will still be there when you get back.
Find a tribe of people who encourage you to be the best you. Find people who nurture that side of you so that the guilt falls away and the sometimes when you have time practice becomes a habit. Then, guess what happens next? The well doesn’t run dry inside you. You are replenished and can offer more to others with a better attitude too.
You will find that you will keep climbing. That you are amazing. That you are a rock star.
So go ahead and buy those new sneakers for the treadmill or 5k you want to sign up for. Get a haircut or manicure if you reached your goals. Do what speaks to you to reward yourself and then keep on going.

I love that you did this and such a great message. More of these please!
Oh, and if there is something you want me to discuss or talk about ask me in an email or in the comments section of the video. I love tackling this kind of stuff.
Thank you!!!! I have done one a week since the new year and I’m loving it but I wondered if anyone was watching. Lol! Please share it!
Absolutely LOVE the message of this post!!! You are right…we all need to treat ourselves from time to time!
Amen lady! If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we be there fully for everyone else? Love this!