Yes, you totally did just hear me say I’m upcycling a Chick-fil-A salad container. No, you have not reached the wrong blog. And we all know that I’m not the crafty sort. I would rather spend the day painting furniture or demo-ing a wall and be in that DIY mode than kids crafts.
Except it is unusually warm here right now and spring already feels like it is in the air. You make one small trip to the Dollar Store after Chick-fil-A and suddenly you have an idea.
Terrariums! “Hey kiddos, let’s take those plastic containers from Chick-fil-A and upcycle them into terrariums and grow some flowers!!”
I totally went there.
Just four items were needed and a set of little hands to create tiny terrariums to usher in spring!
- Gather supplies. We used two small Chick-fil-a Super Food Salad containers and two soup containers. One small bag of potting soil, a small spade, scotch tape and four seed packets completed the list.
- Fill the containers 3/4 of the way full with potting soil. Follow the directions on the seed packets or dump all the seeds in like my kids did and hope for the best.
- Cover seeds with a thin layer of soil.
- Using the tape we taped the covers on one side to the bottom of containers. This allows us to open them easily for watering our plants. When they are closed it creates a warm, greenhouse effect in the terrarium. *Remember to open them from time to time to keep mold from growing on the soil.
A Few Days Later
Spring has sprung!
For more ideas on building a terrarium or how you can upcycle your own plastic containers from Chick-fil-A or elsewhere visit these sites: Frugal Mom, Girls in White Dresses, and The Chicken Wire.
*Disclosure: TMC was not paid for this post. I am a CFA Mom. Opinions are 100% my own.

Such a fun idea! Love this.
Thank you!! It was so easy too.
This is actually a pretty cool idea and we’ve just started with our pepper plants. I’m going to share this with my husband. I’m sure he will love it since he is the one with the green thumb.
Fun! Thanks for stopping by and reading! Let me know if you do it too!