For many women, the journey to becoming a mother is one of the most difficult struggles they will ever face. If you are currently in the midst of IVF or other fertility treatments, you might know this difficulty all too well. About 85-90% of infertility cases are treated with drugs or surgery, and this process can be taxing. From the news of your infertility to the actual intensity of treatment, you might be feeling emotionally and physically drained.
And this is why self-care is more important than ever.
While a self-care ritual might be the last thing on your mind, there are steps you can take to make yourself feel calmer and in control of your situation. While there are many tips floating around the internet, here are some simple ideas to get you started.
Get enough sleep.
Sleep is not a luxury; it’s essential. Especially when you are going through fertility treatments, it’s essential to get enough rest. Professionals generally recommend seven to nine hours of sleep but strive for the higher end of this range if you feel like you need it. Your body needs this rest.
Nurture your relationship.
If you have a partner, it can be easy to forget about your relationship when all you can think about is conceiving. But it’s essential to take time to be a couple, not just a pair of aspiring parents, that’s why having fun and intimacy is important, and you can even add adult toys to the mix to make everything more fun and adventurous. Set up special date nights and even plan weekend getaways. A little romance can ease your anxiety and get your mind off your treatments.
Try some gentle yoga.
Stress related to your infertility can lead to aches and pains. Check in with your body, as you might notice some tension. About 69% of Americans say that lower back pain affects their daily lives, and stress is a big factor in this. Sign up for a yoga class to work out these kinks and breathe a little. You’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel.
Find a workout routine that fits your needs.
Physical activity is essential for overall health, and this doesn’t change when you start IVF. Talk to your doctor about what types of exercise are healthy for you, then start exploring. You want to find an exercise that brings you joy, calm, and health. This could include swimming, a new group exercise class, or hiking outdoors. Find what works for you and stick with it.
Explore creative outlets.
It’s important to let your emotions out since infertility treatments can be draining and anxiety-inducing. You might find that blogging or writing in a journal is a great way to release your thoughts. Painting, drawing, collaging, dancing, music, and other creative art forms are other ways to let these feelings out.
Your journey to parenthood is your own unique experience, so treat it as such. Try out various self-care routines until you find one that sticks. By doing so, you can nurture yourself and care for your needs while you undergo treatment. This will keep you calm and ready for a potential pregnancy. Then it will all be well worth it.

Such great self care tips, Vicky, really for all women. Good sleep, nurtured relationships, creative outlets…all things I swear by for leading a fulfilled life.