There is no good time for allergies to rear their swollen eyes, red-nosed, ugly head. Now that spring is in full bloom so are seasonal allergies. In our house, we like a multi-prong approach for obtaining allergy relief which includes both natural and traditional medicinal routes. Here are my top five natural ways to get allergy relief.
If it is not a stuffy nose or one that is chronically running there are swollen, red eyes or a dry cough that plagues at least one or all five members of my family. While I have more allergy relief than ever this year due to my strict Lyme diet (no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, no yeast) my kids and husband do not. The absence of food inflammatories in my diet has made a radical difference in my seasonal allergies this year. There is a lot to be said for how healthy your gut is and how your body handles allergens as well. I know that the strict anti-inflammatory diet path is hard and not for everyone.
Local Honey is our BFF. It’s not rocket science but the idea behind consuming local honey is that you are building up a tolerance to the pollen in your area provided by the busy bees. Think of it as a natural allergy shot. I buy the honey from our farmers market or the bee shop in town that supplies area beekeepers. We put it in our drinks, on toast or take a teaspoon in the morning. It really is the Mary Poppins remedy of a spoonful of sugar.
Apple Cider Vinegar plays into the good gut health idea. It reduces symptoms and provides allergy relief when you add a teaspoon of the ACV into a glass of water. We do this up to three times a day.
Saline Spray is my go-to for stuffy noses. When my kids can’t breathe through their nose we combat the stuffiness with two sprays of saline spray in each nostril before school and before bedtime. It definitely does the trick!
Peppermint Oil is great as an inhalant. I break out our mini-diffuser for my office or in a bedroom to help ease congestion as well as a scratchy throat.
Showers are another way we treat our allergies. Rinsing off the pollen from our body and our hair before we go to sleep at night helps us rest easier and keep our bedding clean from allergens.
And, when the natural remedies fail, Desloratidine tablets are worth a try. With a combination of holistic and traditional medicine, we all breathe easier and sneeze less.
*Disclosure. This is a sponsored post and compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own.