Summer Self-Care Tips For Busy, Amazing Moms

This summer, your focus might be completely on your kids. After all, they’re off from school and it might be up to you to occupy them more frequently. But that doesn’t mean you can’t and shouldn’t take time for yourself. In fact, you’ll be a much happier mom if you practice self-care on a regular basis. But although 179 million Americans visited spas in 2016, self-care doesn’t have to involve an expensive massage, facial, or pedicure. There are other ways to truly care for yourself and prioritize your well-being without spending a lot of time or money doing so. Here are some of our favorite tips.

Nourish Your Body

Yes, a massage can revitalize you in both body and spirit, but that’s not the only way to feel great. Taking a new workout class, spicing up your exercise regime, or taking a dip in a hot tub can allow you to appreciate and restore your physical being, too. Trying 30 minutes of yoga or even having a dance party with your kids can do wonders for your mood and help you feel more connected to your body. Getting ample sleep is important for body restoration too, so don’t forget that napping, going to bed early, or sleeping in on a Sunday can be just as beneficial. Even swapping out your daily soda for water or making small dietary changes counts as self-care.

Replenish Your Mind

Getting lost in an enjoyable book, learning a new skill, or devoting some time to a hobby that you truly enjoy are all valuable endeavors that can fill your self-care quota. Meditating for a few minutes every day or performing a digital detox can be great, too. You might even try painting or coloring for some artistic stress relief or seeing an art film solo for some creative stimulation sans kids.

Eliminate Clutter

Studies have proven that cluttered environments make us feel more stressed than necessary. Cleaning house might be a big project, but it could be a worthwhile one. Get a family member to watch the kids for the first part of the day and devote some time to cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms or organizing your home office. You might not think of cleaning as anything but a chore, but you’ll definitely like the after-effects — particularly if you replace that clutter with some plants or art. Research shows that people who work in enriched spaces are 17% more productive than those who work in lean spaces, and you’ll generally feel a lot calmer and clear-headed if you’re in a clean environment.

Soak Up the Sun

Even an act as simple as opening up the blinds in your home can be considered self-care. Sunny days lead to less mental stress, as sunlight helps to produce serotonin and can help maintain your body’s natural circadian rhythms. And of course, spending time outdoors has been known to ease depression and improve moods. Whether you make it a point to go for a daily walk, tinker around in the garden, or watch the stars come out at night, remember that the time you devote to being surrounded by nature is time well-spent.

Learn to Say No

Self-care doesn’t have to be limited to booking a spa appointment or catching up on sleep. You can practice self-care by setting clear boundaries and prioritizing your own well-being in certain situations. That’s hard for many moms, whose needs often come dead-last. It’s even tougher to say no without apologizing for it. But this is a worthwhile exercise that can eliminate the possibility you’ll take on more than you should and that you still make time for yourself. If you’re afraid of disappointing people, try to realize that you could end up doing the same thing (and disappointing yourself in the process) if you don’t prioritize self-care. Keep in mind that you can be your best self only when you take care of yourself properly.

You may feel guilty for trying to fit self-care into your schedule. But being a little selfish doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You can’t provide what your family truly needs if you’re running on empty. So this summer, try to carve out some time to address your own needs and prioritize your own joy. That way, you’ll have even more to give to those you love.
