Cold and flu season is in full force, whether we’re ready or not. And with Americans getting about one billion colds every year, there’s a pretty good chance someone in your family will come down with a virus this winter. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to be completely immune to colds or the flu. But to give your family their best shot at avoiding getting sick this winter, consider taking these few simple steps.
Focus on Air Filtration
When it comes to cleaning your house during cold and flu season, many people tend to just focus on surfaces. Unfortunately, there is one part of your home that can greatly increase the chances of you getting sick: the ductwork. Contaminants like dander, dust, bacteria, mold spores, and viruses can easily get sucked into your HVAC system. These contaminants can then be re-circulated five to seven times every day. When these contaminants are in your home for long enough, they can end up making you sick. This is why it’s always a good idea to have your HVAC system serviced by an hvac repair technician at the beginning of cold and flu season. Make sure to hire qualified hvac services for expert hvac repair work. Aside from having an air conditioning repair and having your ductwork cleaned, you can take further steps to improve the air filtration in your home. Air purifiers can help not only remove airborne particles that can make you sick, but it can make it easier to breathe in your home. Making safe air filtration a priority in your home can do wonders when it comes to preventing getting sick.
Choose the Right Disinfectants
If you haven’t looked at the labels on your cleaning supplies recently, you should consider doing so now. Not all disinfectants kill flu and cold viruses — if you’re using a disinfectant that doesn’t specifically say it kills cold and flu germs, you may want to invest in new cleaning supplies. Additionally, when using disinfectants, it’s important to follow the cleaning instructions. Not using enough or not letting it sit for long enough can make the disinfectant ineffective. But when you use the proper disinfectant according to instructions, you can easily kill germs in your home. It’s crucial to wipe down all surfaces in your home regularly. This includes counters, bathroom sinks, door knobs, and even cell phones and computers. Using the right disinfectant can make a big difference. If you prefer to leave this task to the experts, services like Professional Home Cleaning Hillsboro OR can help ensure your home is thoroughly disinfected and germ-free, giving you peace of mind.
Wash Neglected Items
During cold and flu season, areas like countertops, bathrooms, and other shared spaces tend to get a lot of attention. And while it’s absolutely important to clean these areas, bedding, towels, and rugs can often get neglected. These items can be breeding spots for germs, especially when they’re used over and over again without being washed. If you don’t normally wash bedding and towels weekly, now is the time to start doing so. This is especially important if someone in your house does become sick — washing their belongings more frequently can help avoid spreading the germs throughout your house. But when you do handle dirty laundry, make sure to hold it away from your face and wash your hands when you’re done.
For any molds that may be present, it is advisable to seek mold removal experts who specialize in handling such situations. Don’t hesitate to hire them for the services that you are looking for.
Hopefully, your family makes it through the winter months without getting sick. Following these few simple tips can help make sure any lingering germs in your home are killed as best as possible. You can click for more helpful tips on maintaining a clean and healthy home environment.