One Fast Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast

This breakfast recipe I’m about to show you is one of my favorite healthy breakfast options. It is one of the first steps I take daily to ensure that I am building a healthy body both inside and outside. I want to keep my body as strong and clean as possible to ward off flare-ups from my chronic Lyme disease. Clean eating and anti-inflammatory diet help a lot.

Long Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…

Actually, it was December 2017 and my Lyme doctor told me to eliminate all sugar (unless it was natural), dairy, alcohol, and gluten. Dreadful news to hear during a holiday season. I needed to clean up my food to reduce the level of inflammation in my body and help eliminate the massive amount of full-body pain and fatigue I was dealing with daily. Lyme disease is a great imitator and it loves nothing more than to create intense full-body pain and exhaustion.

This breakfast is my take on one that is often served at Marriott brand hotels that I can safely eat when I travel and now make at home.  I have a few others that I rotate between depending on my mood, what is stocked in my fridge and the time of year.  Three years later and anti-Inflammatory foods are now a way of life for me.

Image may contain: food

Egg Scramble with Salad & Superhero Muffin

The Recipe

Now, if you don’t like to eat veggies with your eggs or at breakfast time in general then this recipe is not for you.  Just go. It’s OK. I get it. I didn’t before my Lyme disease diagnosis either. Now it’s a way of life. If you DO like to eat a rainbow at breakfast then here’s what you need.


1 whole egg, 1 egg white, beaten with salt and pepper

1 tbsp of onion. I like red but white, yellow or shallot works Green onion does too.

2 grape tomatoes chopped

1 cup of spinach or salad greens.  Whatever kind you like.

1 tbsp of avocado, mashed

1 tsp. of olive oil

Lemon to squeeze.

Trader Joe’s Everyday Seasoning

-Heat olive oil in the pan on medium heat.  Add onion and saute for a minute.  Reduce heat to low and add the egg mixture.  Cook like an omelet until done.  Fold over onto your plate.

-While the egg is cooking toss the field greens, tomato, and mashed avocado together with a few grinds of the TJ’s seasoning and a squeeze of lemon juice.

-Pile the greens on top of your eggs and serve.
