4 Spots You Shouldn’t Forget During Spring Cleaning

Spring is officially here, which means now is the best time to give your home a much-needed deep cleaning. Of course, we often forget certain spots around the house when spring cleaning like baseboards and ceiling fans. To help you catch those forgotten spots, here are four areas you shouldn’t forget around your home when spring cleaning.

Your AC Filters

It’s important to make sure that your AC unit is capable of running efficiently before you plug it in for the warmer seasons. This is because air conditioners produce two tons of carbon dioxide per household. The more efficiently your AC runs, the less carbon dioxide it produces.

Air conditioners stop and start over 72 times in a 24-hour period during the peak of summer. To keep your air conditioner from short-cycling (and to keep your home’s air quality in great shape), it’s recommended to clean your home’s air filters at least twice a month.

Clean the outdoor condenser of the central air system outside. Unplug it and hose it down to remove dirt and leaves. Do not wet the electrical box when hosing the outdoor unit. Turn off the furnace or the central air conditioning unit before cleaning the filter. This is where it is located. If you are not comfortable cleaning a central air conditioner or a furnace, you can have it serviced yearly by professional hvac and furnace repair services.

Window air conditioners and portable units need to be opened according to manufacturer directions. Remove the filter, clean with warm soapy water, rinse, and dry. Once dry, place the filter back into the unit. Open up the air conditioner to clean off the coils with a brush or cloth. Wipe with a paper towel or cloth.

Your Carpets

Your home’s carpet contains approximately 200,000 bacteria per square inch. It’s important to make sure that you’re vacuuming your home’s carpeting at least once a week or twice a week if you have pets. At least once a year, it’s a good idea to have Steam Cleaning for Carpets with the help of professional carpet cleaning contractors to really get the dust and debris out of the material.

The Guest Bathroom

Separate from the rest of the house, the guest bathroom often gets forgotten when it comes to weekly cleaning. During your deep spring cleaning this season, be sure to clean around the bathroom sink. Don’t forget to clean the toothpaste holder where bacteria can grow from moisture. Dust off grills or vents that collect dust with a feather duster. Clean shower caddies, soap dishes, and showerheads, too.

Home Offices and Desks

Because of COVID-19, many of us are working from home more than usual or for the first time. While you may be the only one working in your home office, it’s important to make sure that you’re giving your office just as much attention as you would in the workplace. Office desks are 400-times dirtier than toilet seats.

To clean your desk, take everything off of it and wipe the area down with a disinfectant spray. If your desk is natural wood, you can use a mixture of vinegar and water to safely clean the surface. Make sure to clean your drawers, too. Wipe off computer keyboards, monitors, laptops, mouses, desk surfaces, printers, and cables. Try to organize your drawers and file cabinets and find a place for everything. Throw out paper, mail, and supplies that you do not need or use.

It’s always a good idea to give your home a deep cleaning every once in a while, especially during the spring. Be sure not to forget the spots mentioned above during your own spring cleaning session this season.