How to Spruce up a Vacation Home

A vacation home is pretty much your second home. With that in mind, you want to make it just as welcoming and as comfortable as your primary home. To do that, you can spruce it up with several decor ideas like having new bathroom accessories or installing new kitchen cabinets. Here are some of them.

Make an Accent Wall

If you want to transform the look of a room without spending too much time or money, you can easily create an accent wall. The accent wall could have a different texture than the other walls, be covered in wallpaper, or be painted a different color. Alternatively, you can have a wall filled with pictures. Essentially, an accent wall offers a great way to draw attention to a unique painting or piece of furniture in a room. You can also use the opportunity to create the wall to bond with your kids as they will enjoy painting it or sticking the wallpaper.

Hang Some Plants

Ideally, you should be already relaxed when you get to your vacation home, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, vacations can be stressful especially if you are traveling with kids. Adding a dash of greenery to your room with some air plants or other low-maintenance greenery can help you relax and improve the quality of air around you. Now, you are probably concerned about how you are going to take care of the plants but the good news is that such plants do not require a lot of care. All you have to do is expose them to sunlight and water them occasionally.

Install Temporary Wallpaper

Having your walls covered in a wallpaper of your choice can add a touch of style and personality to a room. Fortunately, there are removable wallpapers in the market that you can peel off the walls of your vacation home when you are leaving. Moreover, the wallpaper does not cost as much as ordinary wallpaper so you won’t have to spend much on something that you need for a few weeks. The wallpaper is also easy to apply so you will not be spending most of your relaxing time doing work.

Make your Space Cozy

There are several accessories and pieces of handcrafted amish furniture that you can add to your space to make it cozy. For instance, a rug, carpet, or loveseat can add warmth and comfort to your space. It may interest you to know that 56% of homeowners intend to purchase living room furniture within the next two years and if you are in that group, you may want to get a few pieces for your second home just to make it cozier.

Revamp Your Driveway

With proper care, a driveway can last more than 20 years. However, you don’t have to put up with a driveway that looks the same all those years as it can be a bit bland. In that regard, you want to spruce it up. You can add a layer of new gravel or even paint the sides. This will improve your vacation home’s curb appeal as well.

Put Up a Hammock

A study reveals that around 36% of people who go on vacation in the US usually end up purchasing beach properties. Whether or not, your vacation home is close to the beach, you could use a hammock put up outside. That way, you can catch a nap surrounded by nature and fresh air or simply lie there to unwind or think. Moreover, putting up a hammock is one way to spruce up your second home.

Your vacation home is where you go to relax and change your scenery. That said, your second home will do nothing for you if it is boring and uninviting. That is why you may want to use some of the ideas here to spruce it up.