3 Mom-Approved Secrets for Surviving This Flu Season

With flu season right around the corner, there is no shortage of things you can do to keep yourself healthy. But if you do find yourself coming down with the flu, here are three mom-approved remedies for your health that will help you survive flu season. Most importantly, it’s best to visit a primary care specialist when your symptoms get worse.

Up Your Vitamin C Intake

Studies have shown that Vitamin C won’t prevent flu symptoms, but it can shorten the lifespan of the flu or a cold. Plus, Vitamin C can do wonders for building up your natural immunity. The more Vitamin C you can add to your diet, the better off you’re going to be. But if you do add Vitamin C, look for natural sources such as oranges, green peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and leafy greens.

While you’re at it, look for foods that can add natural sources of Vitamin B and calcium. IV drips used in hospitals are commonly filled with Vitamins C and B as well as calcium and magnesium, so the more vitamins you can add to your diet, the better off you’ll be if the flu comes.

Drink Lots of Hot Liquids

It is estimated that almost 50% of common cold cases happen during the fall and spring. One of the best home remedies for fighting the flu if you come down with it is to drink plenty of hot liquids. If you have got an itchy, scratchy, or sore throat, a hot beverage or soup can be the perfect thing to fight the flu or a cold.

So what should you drink? For starters, try some hot tea with honey. It has natural antimicrobial and antiviral properties, and, with a touch of cinnamon or ginger, it can be the perfect remedy for a scratchy or sore throat. Depending on your preference, you can also try some turmeric-ginger tea or tea with chamomile. You can also soothe your throat by gargling salt water.

If you’ve got the flu, you can’t go wrong with a bowl of hot homemade chicken soup to boost your health. This will help keep you hydrated and help reduce mucus buildup. It’s often been said that chicken soup is the only way to fight a cold, and with good reason. Not only does it taste delicious, but chicken soup is high in tryptophan. This ingredient, which is commonly found in turkey, helps you produce serotonin, which boosts your mood and makes you feel more comfortable. Little wonder then that chicken soup is often thought of as comfort food. The vegetables in chicken soup are packed full of vitamins too and the steam from the soup can help you breathe easier.

Get Your Sleep

Sometimes, the simplest remedy for fighting a cold or the flu is to get more rest. The more you can rest, the more your body’s immune system can get to work fighting viruses and bacteria. When you lie down in bed, sleep with an extra pillow under your bed to help drain your sinuses. You can also help yourself by sleeping with a humidifier, but make sure it’s clean so you’re breathing clean air. With the right conditions, between 41 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, mold can grow within 24 to 48 hours. When that happens, do a mold removal and mold remediation ASAP. Do keep in mind that taking care of mold is not the ideal diy project due to the potential health hazards. Your best bet would be to hire mold removal experts to take care of this task for you to be safe.

No one likes getting the flu, and when you do come down with it, it can be debilitating and put you down for the count. But, armed with the right home remedies, you’ll have just what you need to get better and boost your health. By drinking hot liquids like chicken soup, eating vitamin-rich foods, and getting plenty of rest, you’ll be on the road to recovery in no time.