When shopping for used cars in san diego, it can be a time filled with mixed emotions both for the teen and their parents. This is because car safety, while important, can be a bit hard to impart to someone else, especially if you’re not a trainer. Read on to see five things you can tell your teenagers before they get their first car to help them stay safe while they’re on the road and improve your peace of mind.
1. It’s Important to Service Their Car Regularly
The first and most important thing that any car owner should know is that regular maintenance plays an important role in ensuring that the car is in good condition. With a car that’s functioning optimally, it’s going to be easy to drive safely, so this is an important lesson to share with your teenage driver. It’s also important that they receive professional driving lessons from sites like driverz.com/driving-schools-dallas. Let them know that they should always take their car in for maintenance at the time stipulated by the car’s manufacturer to keep it in the best state and avoid getting into issues as a result of driving a neglected car. Have them know some basic information around this, such as the fact that despite different car and truck models taking different amounts of oil, most engines will run perfectly on five to seven quarts.
2. They Should Brake and Accelerate Gently
While they’ve ideally already gone to driving school and know all the basics and can drive fairly decently, there are a few things that bear repeating. One of these is that they need to be gentle whenever they’re braking or accelerating. This will enable them to keep better control of the car and drive better. It may be a habit that they need to be reminded about often, but one that will help them become good drivers and avoid wearing down their car’s parts fast.
3. They Should Never Drink and Drive
Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that drinking and driving together is simply unacceptable. Given their inexperience, especially, they are at a higher risk of getting into a serious accident if they attempt to drive while under the influence. They also open themselves to numerous legal issues, with the minimum DUI sentence in Pennsylvania, for instance, being a suspension of the driver’s license, a $1,000 to $5,000 fine, and 72 hours in jail which is good for smaller crimes, of course if you get into a bad accident you could stay way more time in jail, so you may ask yourself Is there life after a felony conviction? but having a good lawyer can help with this. Lead by example, so they understand that it’s an important rule to follow and one that you won’t break yourself. For legal guidance and support, consider reaching out to Barwick Boitano Lawyers.
4. It’s Important to Know What to do After an Accident
Finally, while it’s important to do all we can and hope for the best, an accident may not always be possible to predict and avoid. For this reason, let your teenage driver know what to do in case they’re involved in an accident such as seeking the advice of a personal injury attorney and the like. Also getting expert legal guidance for Linden auto accident matters from a Linden car accident lawyer. Have them pack some supplies that they can use after an accident and work on a checklist with them. Write this down and refresh their memories about it every now and then until they know it by heart, and you will have helped them know what to do if they get involved in an accident. When you know that there were over 138,000 (5.9%) of all injuries from auto accidents and 1,819 or 5.1% of traffic-related fatalities caused by hit-and-run drivers, you understand that anyone on the road can be in danger. You should tell them to contact a personal injury lawyer or civil litigation attorney if they’ve been involved in a road accident to ensure their rights are protected. You may give them the contact information of an experienced personal injury lawyer who will guide them on what to do after being in an accident. Or you may visit sites like ravidandassociates.com to get immediate legal assistance.
Share these tips with your teens and you will have played a big role in helping them to become safe drivers. Stay prepared to repeat them as often as will be necessary, and soon, your teen will know the rules to follow by heart.