Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love to hike, walk, run, and spend a lot of time outdoors during this crisp season. However, fall weather in Virginia can be unpredictable. Foggy mornings with drizzle can turn into gorgeously sunny afternoons. But when you have to get out the door and you want to get a quick workout in going outside isn’t always the best case scenario. Say goodbye to that morning run crunching through the autumn leaves. Say hello to these fall fitness trends that I can do all year long.
- Under the Desk exercise equipment: I don’t care what anyone says about under the desk exercise equipment. I watched my fourteen year old use our under the desk elliptical in her room while she does her homework, bring the lightweight machine downstairs and watch a movie and pedal away for over an hour. Her legs firmed up, she lost weight that she had put on the previous year and it helped her burn off energy. When she needs to get her ADHD under control and it’s not nice out or too cold the under the desk exercise equipment is where it is at. I even brought one to work and it floats around my office depending on who is working in-house that day and wants to get a quick thirty minute cycle in. Portable, quiet, and easy to use it is under the desk exercise equipment that is great for all ages too.
Our Cubii Go is always on the move in our house and my office.
2. 12-3-30 Workout: Like walking but want more of a challenge than what the under the desk exercise equipment can offer? Try walking on a treadmill at an incline of 12. Walk at a speed of 3 mph for thirty minutes and your heart will be pumping. To further boost your energy and performance, consider adding a Supplement for energy to your routine. This is a great way to burn calories and get your cardiovascular system going. It’s gentle on the joints too, and it won’t hurt your knees like pounding the pavement will. You just need to maintain the condition of the treadmill, and if a problem happens, contact treadmill repair home service.
Disclaimer: Please know this partnership is between Responsival and TMC, not Cubii. All opinions are 100% my own.