Search Results for: feminism

Is Feminism Bad?

There was a Slut Walk in DC this past weekend.  I have an uncomfortable itch discussing the topic of a Slut Walk in the same post as feminism, but that itch is because I am quite sure that some people think the two have to go hand in hand.  A Slut Walk, if you don't know, is a rally or protest to eradicate harassment and that women are what they wear. That is it not OK to harass or assault a person based on the length of their skirt or the amount of cleavage they are displaying.  That's not feminism. That is being a decent human being.  No one deserves to be raped, harassed or violated based on what they wear or how they look.  Trust me, I've been grabbed in the crotch before and I was wearing a sweater and a pair of black pants.  There was nothing about that … [Read more...]

Skin Deep

It's Monday.  Spring break has come and gone and the weather finally seems to have turned the corner.  Can I get an Amen?! How about a dose of sobering reality?   No filter.  No touch ups.  Pre-workout photo from last week.  In my in-need-of-a-makeover office. How about this one?   I was totally going to make my annual skin screening at my dermatologist, I swear.  Another mole was not playing nice. Except I just kept putting it off with lots of excuses.  It's a long drive, it sucks up work time and I can't find a sitter. Blah, blah, blah. All excuses. All the time.  Then the triple threat, as I am now calling it, appeared.  It doesn't look so bad in the photo, except that it was.  SO BAD.  It was painful, large and two days before so swollen I looked like I … [Read more...]

Good Enough to Be Enough

In the past I have struggled hard to find a balance between work and life.  I continuously felt that if I wasn't working my wheels were spinning out of control.  My control over my work load and how much work I was doing defined me.  At least I thought that  it did and I even thought that I wanted it too.  Yes, I took joy in the time I was home for only 3 days in one month while six months pregnant with my third child.  Maybe it was that I used to hate my work and it was often just a j-o-b.  The last few years weren't like that and it was all new and exciting and I just wanted more.  Like a sponge I wanted to soak up as much as I could.  Then 2012 happened and it was like a giant hand just knocked me on my ass. Or as I like to think of it, God just bitched slapped me and handed me my … [Read more...]