How to Keep Your Family Healthy This Spring


With the weather warming and everyone getting outdoors more, many people are worried about keeping their families healthy and safe. From sunscreen to getting a physical the ways to maintain your family's health this spring can help set you up for continued health into summer. Use Sunscreen When You're Outdoors It may only be spring, but that just means the sun is out more often so it is important to add sunscreen to your daily skincare routine. It is also good to apply sunscreen in the spring to create a habit of applying sunscreen that will last into summer to prevent even worse summer sunburns from hours spent outside. You may be getting plenty of shade from your local trees but deciduous trees aren't able to block between 60% and 90% of the sun's rays till the summer because their … [Read more...]

5 Simple Tips to Help Reduce Pain After You Work Out

Post-workout aches and pains are no surprise for many fitness fans, especially for those who are new to working out regularly. While it's important for your muscles to recover from a hard workout, waiting too long can make you antsy and can even throw you off your groove. So what can you do to help reduce those pains so you can get back to running, kick-boxing, and other aerobic activities that let you feel the burn? Here are a few simple tips you can use to fight back against workout soreness. Before I dive in let's discuss that sometimes motivation can come in many forms, including new workouts or fitness gear. It's important to remember to follow these steps and also protect your body when you start out. The right protection can help prevent injury whether it's wearing the proper … [Read more...]

Plant-based Food and Beverage Trends for 2021

The green movement has gained steam in recent years, with more and more people turning to eco-friendly lifestyles, buildings, and diets. However, there is a bit of a difference between an environmentally friendly diet and a plant-based diet. Both options are green diets, but they focus on various aspects. An eco-friendly diet will offer more food groups and options for meals than a more strict plant-based diet. Plant-based diets are not bad or significantly more complex than environmentally friendly diets, but there are some extra steps and potential pitfalls to watch out for. As the trend continues to grow, it is worth taking the time to ensure you are jumping on the trend as safely as possible. Changing your diet is still a significant change for your body, so ensure any new diet is … [Read more...]

Incredibly Easy Ways to Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

It's a struggle to keep up with your fitness goals under normal circumstances. Throw in a pandemic for an entire year and no one will judge you for being off your game. But if you're looking to get back in shape or even just looking to get moving while social distancing, there are a few easy ways you can make this happen. Here are a few simple things you can do to make reaching your fitness goals a little bit easier. 1. Be transparent about hydration Hydration is just as important as getting your cardio in. Your body is made up of approximately 60% of water, and it's necessary to restore that water whenever you sweat. Dehydration can cause problems for your skin, energy, and the way your body functions. One of the best ways to keep track of how much water you're drinking is to use a … [Read more...]

Workout to Beat the Winter Blues

Even the most ambitious among us struggle to keep our New Year's resolutions. According to People magazine, the average American will stick to his or her guns for only 36 days. That means, now - well into March - most people have given up on their fitness and health-related resolutions. Of course, there are some factors working against us. Many of us are still doing our best to stay home and stay out of the cold. When we are not at home, ordering takeout can be especially tempting. In fact, bakery sales are climbing by as much as 5% from year to year. Enjoy treats from your local bakery in moderation, beat winter blues, and find your motivation again with these fun winter workouts. The Best Winter Workouts Working out this winter doesn't have to be drab. Try these exciting winter … [Read more...]

The Global Surge: Exploring the Rise of Cosmetic Surgeries

In recent years, there has been a notable surge in the popularity of cosmetic surgeries worldwide. From subtle enhancements to transformative procedures such as breast lift or ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation in El Segundo, CA, individuals are increasingly turning to surgical interventions to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Let's delve into the global landscape of cosmetic surgeries and explore the statistics that underscore this evolving trend. The Global Phenomenon Cosmetic surgery has transcended cultural and geographical boundaries, becoming a global phenomenon. The desire to enhance physical appearance and achieve a more youthful look seems to be a universal aspiration, fueling the proliferation of cosmetic procedures across continents. Statistics Speak Volumes According to … [Read more...]

9 Tips For Establishing Your Nighttime Routine

nighttime routine

As a parent, bedtime can be a chaotic time. It's important to establish a set nighttime routine for your kids, but it's also helpful for you to have your own nighttime routine. If you're looking to establish a good nighttime routine, try out these ideas. Cut the Caffeine Long before you start thinking about bed, you should stop drinking caffeine. As tempting as that coffee at four o'clock in the afternoon might be, it will negatively impact your sleep later on and probably isn't worth it. It's recommended that you try cutting caffeine at least six hours before you go to sleep, but as a general rule avoiding caffeine after three p.m. is a good idea. Set a Time to Start Getting Ready For Bed Figure out a specific time that you can start getting ready for bed and try to stick to it. A … [Read more...]

9 Low-Cost Hobbies Busy Moms Should Consider

If you're a busy mother, it can be hard to take time for yourself. It may feel impossible to find time outside of work and shuttling your kids around. However, it's more than necessary to take a break and find a hobby you enjoy partaking in. Schedule time before or after work or while your kids are in a sports practice or musical rehearsal. Look to these nine ideas for easy, fun, and low-cost hobbies you can try. Embroider One activity that's making a comeback is embroidery. Needles, thread, cloth, and the spools needed to embroider are all relatively cheap materials. You can even buy kits that provide design ideas! Because this activity allows you to carry out a design of your choosing, it allows for your own creativity to soar. Plus, it's very relaxing. Enjoy some music or your … [Read more...]

Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out

mother daughter stretching

Most people know they should work out but lack the motivation to actually work out. We all know we should exercise regularly, eat healthily, get enough sleep, and do many other healthy living tasks, but there is a big difference between knowing what to do and doing it. At the start of every new year, many people force themselves to start working out and stick with the plan for a few weeks before motivation lapses again. So long as the desire to get in shape is there, motivation can be improved, and there are plenty of new ways to stimulate your interest in working out again. A combination of psychological tricks and modern technology can bring back your motivation to work out, so you no longer dread that time of day. It is the start of a new year, so use these tips and tricks to get back … [Read more...]

5 Me-Time Activities That Will Help You Manage Your Mental Health

There is a distinct difference between loneliness and alone time. Loneliness is not good - it makes you feel sad and disconnected from the world and those around you. On the other hand, spending time alone can actually improve your mood and help you manage your mental health if done correctly. Me-time activities must be enjoyable to you as well as make you feel good about yourself. Here are some me-time activity suggestions you should consider penciling into your schedule. Journal Your Plans and Thoughts Me-time can be even simple. Find time each day to journal lists and your plans. Being a busy mother means that scheduling me-time activities is the only way you can be sure you'll get the time. Consider writing down a list of things you need to do each morning or night, such as taking … [Read more...]