Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!

"AAAAAHHHHH!" That would be the sound of me sighing in relief because today I did the deed. I woke up Sunday morning and the first thing I thought was, "YES! Only one more day before I can call my doctor to get my Mirena IUD out. YES!" Sad, in a way. I had high hopes for that little t-shaped device. It promised such good things and for five years. I was so excited about it. So excited that I brushed off the spinny, sparks in my eyes and the dizzy spells I had. The ones that sometimes came on when I turned my head while driving and everything went in slow motion. I brushed off the cramping and lower back pain too. "Meh, that's normal." It sort of is. Except when it begins to happen more and more throughout the month, every month. It's also not normal to lose whole sections of … [Read more...]

I’m Losing My Hair. Is My Mirena to Blame?

It's typical to lose your hair after you have a baby. It happened with TD and then again with The Comedian. It's also typical to see your doctor for birth control options post-baby or to navigate to this web-site if you are not willing to get knocked up again. When I encountered the Mirena IUD it seemed like the perfect option. One quick doctor, such as the one through locum tenens, visit and I was good to go for the next five years. If I wanted more kids in that time I could have it removed. I read all the brochures, did some research and talked to friends who had used Mirena as well. It was my golden ticket to no thought birth control. Yippie Skippy! That was until I started losing my hair. I didn't pay much attention to all the hair collecting in my brush, shower, comb and sink. … [Read more...]