Jingle All the Way 10k

I had my first 10k this weekend.  For so many months I have been training, then side-tracked, then training again, gearing up for the cold, dealing with my nerves and all this time fretting and fretting about my time.  I was using this particular race to qualify me for RunDC next year.  Then something happened.H found out about a work trip to Florida that I could accompany him on.  One week in the middle of my least favorite month of the year, March. Sorry March birthday goers, but that lion/lamb thing just messes with my SAD-effected brain.  The whole month is like a giant hangover to me.  Kind of like how August is just one giant Sunday.  Oh, is that just me?  Back to the work trip then.  A whole week of sunshine, time alone with H, … [Read more...]

The 10k FAIL?

So...I'm supposed to run this thing called a 10k in a few weeks. December 13 to be exact. A few weeks back this seemed like a fabulous idea. Then I got sick. The cold from hell descended on our humble abode and took all of us, minus TD, under. It was like some Kraken from the deep. Everyone got better except me. Two weeks later, still sick and crying from the sheer sick of being sick syndrome I headed to my local Urgent Care one night this week.Sinus Infection. No wonder I felt like my face was imploding, cracking and generally falling apart with pain. Throughout this time of plague I haven't been able to run. Weeks of no running have gone by. I got three miles in, maybe. There's been no cross-training, no training runs. No nothing. The coughing, the body aches, the lack of … [Read more...]

The Last Resort in Exercise?

Flirty Girl. Holy Schiznit. Even the opening music of this website makes me cringe. Gah! I'm not going to diss (yeah, I just said diss) Flirty Girl's results because I think that dance and fitness can show remarkable results and for some this is what is needed to motivate them to exercise. I will admit that prior to having TD I invested in some Carmen Electra workout DVD's. Did I see a difference? Not so much. The idea of doing segments like 'Booty Beat' and using a feather boa in my living room though just gives me an ick factor that I can't even describe. Part of it is probably due to the fact that I have two small girls living under my roof who watch my every move. TD loves to follow my lead and shred right along with Jillian (Yes, Jillian it is true. You had my three year old … [Read more...]

My First 10k- About 65% Motivated

After this past June's 5k success and last month's month of 5 day a week workouts I have decided to challenge myself once again. Really, I just want to do this in March and I need to have a qualifying 10k under my belt. So here I go!I'm going the Jeff Galloway route with training. I was about to go into my first week of training this past week when I realized that I instead of the 13 weeks of training I had scheduled I only have eight. Yikes! I cut off a few weeks and ran a 5k yesterday for the first time since June. This whole time I've been lacking my usual enthusiasm for fitness goals. However, when I finished my run yesterday I realized that I shaved six minutes off my time. It completely re-energized me and instead of shirking my workout duties this week I find I'm rearing … [Read more...]

I’m Spider Bait and More

I feel like a fang banger today. A spider bit the inside of my thigh in two spots this past weekend. The next night, it happened again on the other leg.Yesterday morning I woke up looking straight into the eyes of another spider. Yeah, fall! I keep seeing scenes from Aracnophobia playing out in my own personal version of hell. I just ate a cupcake for breakfast. I've worked out five days each week for four weeks now. The fact that I'm finally starting to see results proves that I'm getting old. It used to take two days of Billy Blanks Tae-Bo to get my butt back into shape. Now I need running, Pilate's and Jillian and a minimum of five hours per week for weeks. Then, I eat a cupcake for breakfast. You know what? It was heaven. I spent about six hours straight getting work done … [Read more...]

Falling into Motivation.

How cheesy is that title? I swear the Fall does funny things to me. It makes me insatiable. While the end of summer can cause me to feel a bit melancholy, leaving me with a feeling that the month of August is a never-ending series of Sundays, I look forward to Fall with its crisp air, golden sunlight and bright feelings of promise.I plot and plan.I leave post-it stickies on pages throughout fashion magazines and dream of cozy knits, over-the-knee boots and oversized bags studded with metallic hardware.My nails go from ballet slipper pink to blue satin overnight.I become my most motivated as well. Two years ago I spent the month of October working out every single day. I didn't know I had it in me. Today, marking the fourth day I worked out this week, I walked to the library with the girls. … [Read more...]

I’m at Your Service. If You Want.

Last week I cried 'do over!' and I kept my promise. I met my goal. I worked out five times last week. It is the same bat time, same bat channel again this week. Five times. Yes, my knees are popping more than a box of cereal and I a bit more exhausted than I normally would be, but I'm not bloated anymore either. I've de-puffed myself and already my arms are looking a bit more toned. It's not going to be an over night transformation. Ah, to be 17 again... It's going to be a tad more of a long haul getting myself back to where I want to be, but I'm willing to do the work.Are you?Here's the thing. Since I began Shredding and hitting the gym again, a few months ago, I have had quite a few friends ask me all about this power-packed DVD. They have heard me talk about how great it is, how hard it … [Read more...]

Mummy Needs A Do Over

Oh my. Let's just put it all out there for a minute, shall we? Since Blogher I have been the most ridiculous glutton. I can't pass up a cookie, cupcake, candy, plate of fries or Eggs Benedict even if it doesn't have my name on it. I'll feel guilty for eating badly a few days in a row. My body screams for veggies and I ply it with carbs and then I resolve to be better. Suddenly I'm chowing on chicken strips and more french fries. Egads! It's like the last supper at every. freakin'. meal.No more.I simply have to cut back. I did not Shred and train for that 5k to just end up back where I was before and in less than two months time. That's quite simply insane, disheartening, and sad. I have to be better so that my poor liver, thighs and butt can get back into shape.I am not saying I'm going to … [Read more...]

Just Pump It

Today felt as if it was the first day I went back to the gym post The Comedian. I joined the gym back in January and went regularly until I decided to become a Shredhead and train for a 5k. I ignored the class schedule taped up on the fridge and never gave it a second thought. After the 5k however, I felt I needed more. Since The Comedian has officially weaned herself with a snub nose and stiff arm to my chest I figured now was the best time. I can lose my weight and get toned up again. Simple. Heh.Before The Comedian I took a class that was all weights for an hour and a half a few times a week and I loved it. It challenged me and totally re-shaped my form. I felt fantastic and that I looked better than before I had TD. This new gym has Body Pump. Sounds fun, huh? Each time I … [Read more...]

Not a Wounded Antelope

Saturday 5:45 a.m.- my alarm goes off and my brain and body freeze up. Today is the day. Today I will run my first 5k. While I am sure my body can do it, my brain has decided it wants a monopoly on the whole thing and will go to any lengths to psyche me out of doing it. Stupid brain. Initially, I was going to go up by myself and H and the girls would meet me later. Why drag them out at that ungodly hour too? However, The Comedian got up bright and early and before I was done showering and trying not to puke in my bathroom sink, she was ready to go. TD followed a bit later, wearing her "My Mom is Blogging This" t-shirt. Tweeting would be more like it. It was better that they came with me instead of me driving solo and freaking myself out about parking, traffic and of course, the race the … [Read more...]