What No One Tells You About Parenting

I don't know what I thought it would be when we decided to take TD to a psychiatrist. At first, I was just relieved that we would have someone to talk to about the tantrums and massive highs and lows.  Then, I became totally freaked out that they would say it was all about our horrific parenting (those free rangers man, you just can't let them breed!) and suddenly we would be watched constantly because why on earth else would these terrible tantrums be happening?!  Deep breaths. Breathe, Vicky.  Just breathe. Instead I found a tall thin, kind-faced man who spoke in a happy voice that reminded me a lot of TD's own pediatrician.  It eased my fears and enabled me to take those deep breaths and feel that while last week we might have been at the bottom of a mountain looking up, today we … [Read more...]

Where’s Mummy?

My mind is all about my upcoming trip to Kentucky for work this week and taking TD to the doctor to see what we can do about the tantrums.  So far we've developed pie charts.  Don't laugh.  It's true. We sat her down on Sunday and drew diagrams of how her tantrums effect the house and don't give her what she wants.  The pie charts showed her the time she has in the day and the activities she has as well as how it works for us, her parents.  It seemed to sink in better than us just yammering away at her.  We'll see.  I'm crossing every finger and toe right now and saying a bunch of huge prayers that we have jumped over this giant hurdle.Other than all that- whew!- I'm busy with another giveaway at MPR. It's all about spring renewal- with nail polish, body … [Read more...]

Where’s Mummy?

The sound of a dog barking at an evil squirrel, a baby cries out and two sets of plastic dress up heels clack incessantly through the house.  These are the sounds of my life.  Tomorrow the house will be filled with fourteen girls squealing as a real live princess sings, dances and paints faces all to celebrate TD turning five.  Yeah, I went there.  Just this once, I swear!At Mummy's Product Reviews we are capping off the week with the final time to enter my beauty grab bag giveaway!  Enter NOW!  Just comment or tweet!  Mascara, bath cubes and more are yours for the taking!EvoraKids, Athenos Yogurt, Jessica Nails Spring 2011 collection, Splendid Littles for Target, and a book review of Half in Love by Linda Gray Sexton (Anne Sexton's daughter). It is … [Read more...]

Five. No Jive.

When TD was little she went nuts for the Elmo video, "Five. No Jive!"  That seems like eons ago. Today, my oldest girl, my first baby turns five.  When you were my little bean. I've been going through photos this week, looking over our past few years and seeing how she has changed and yet stayed the same.  Those same big eyes looked up at me as a baby that exude an excited charm today.  As a toddler her blond hair took its sweet time growing in and now look.You are tying your shoes, getting your own snacks, getting ready to ride the big yellow bus to kindergarten next year and already asking me if it is possible to be a "sweets maker", dancer, paleontologist, mommy, a writer and be just like me.  You melt my heart.  You make me smile with your funny words … [Read more...]

A D-MER Survivor Speaks

I don't often venture into the arena of breast-feeding.  It's a twisted, hugely opinionated topic that has many pieces to it.  To me the topic itself is a largely personal issue that I don't think can be labeled as just either "Feeders" and "Non-Feeders".  I have nursed all three of my children, but differently each time and for differing reasons with each child as well.  It's like those ubiquitous Facebook descriptions for a wide array of relationship statuses that can only be labeled as, "It's Complicated".  I don't like to openly go on and on on regarding my feelings towards breast-feeding precisely for these reasons- it's complicated and personal for each and every mother/child combination. I don't expect anyone else to agree or understand the … [Read more...]

The Letter K

This month should be brought to you by the letter 'K'.  It started with worksheets, then checklists arriving home in TD's tote.  Is your child ready for the big K?  Emails piled up regarding orientations, question and answer forums and registration for the upcoming year.TD talks about it on an almost daily basis.  When will she be ready to ride the big, yellow bus?  When she turns five in two weeks will she be going right then and there?Are you ready for the big K?K I N D E R G A R T E NWhen did she get so big?  When I started this blog (just one of those insanely banal family only blogs, mind you) back in 2005 she was but a being in my belly.  Kicking me non-stop as I sat my desk estimating widget costs and arguing with engineers about hardware … [Read more...]

Overheards- Porn

Scene:  TD and The Comedian are waiting for me to pop some popcorn for them.  Much jumping up and down in the kitchen is taking place.TD: "POPCORN!! YEAH!"The Comedian: "OPORN! OPORN!"V:  "Are you trying to say popcorn?  Popcorn is oporn to you?"The Comedian:  "Oporn!"TD:  "What's Porn?"V: "Oh geez... um.  How did we get from popcorn to porn in under a minute? (nervous laugh) She's just trying to say 'popcorn'.  That's all.TD and The Comedian:  "PORN! PORN!" (More jumping up and down.)V:  "NO!  It's Popcorn.  Pop-cooornnnn." All need is for one or both these kids to go to someone else's house or school asking for porn. … [Read more...]

One Reagan to Another

It started with an email from a friend alerting me to the fact that Ron Reagan would be in town signing his new book, My Father at 100, on Tuesday.  She knew that would be big news in these here parts.  It was too. TD was beside herself just thinking about meeting her namesakes son.  She was counting the days and jumping around non-stop.  "Will we be going to Ronald Reagan's son's house?!"  "What do I say to him?"  "Is today the day we get to meet Ron Reagan?"  "Will he know my name is Reagan too?"  It went on and on."Oh! Is that really him?!"Waiting in lines bores me...Her big moment.  When I asked if it was everything she thought it would be she replied with a big "YES! Now can we have lunch with dessert?!"  … [Read more...]

Trying Your Best

Thanksgiving brought us to the Tot Trot nearby. TD was originally nervous and full of performance anxiety but H and I let her know that all she had to do was try her best. After all, that is what we did in the adult Turkey Trot earlier that morning. It wasn't about winning at all.Well, it's not always about winning, but sometimes it can be.  When did she get so big? … [Read more...]

Overheards- Alone and Starving

Just when you think you are handling your business you have a moment like this-Scene:  Target.  Do I even need to explain anymore?  I had bought a pair of basic, black pants on a whim the other day and picked up the wrong size.  I now needed to drag the kids right before lunch time to the store to return the small pair and get a size bigger.  Awesome, on all accounts.  TD had already lobbed a few hangers at me in the dressing room.  Apparently, Target is like, the most, um, boring place on earth and it is like, uh really impeding her life to be here.  Big Sigh.  Right.TD:  (Upon exiting the dressing room) "WHEN are we going to leave this place?!" (Insert big,  huffy sigh here.)V:  "In a minute. I have to (struggle with pile of … [Read more...]