Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe in the Wintertime

Home safety is essential year-round. However, the different seasons require different safety measures. These tips will help to improve home safety for you and your family this winter. Follow these five tips. 1. Test Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors Winter means using heat in your home. Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors must be in good working condition. Test all the detectors in your home to ensure proper function. It is also a good time to replace batteries. These detectors are an important safety feature in your home and should be checked when preparing your home for winter. Most detectors have an easy test button on the face of the device. All you do is press the button to see if the alarm is working properly. 2. If You Use Your Fireplace, Get Your Chimney Inspected If you … [Read more...]

Hoop Earrings: A Versatile Classic

My love for iconic earring styles especially hoop earrings began when I was a preteen. My grandmother gave me my Christmas present that year, probably a sweater, and then she presented me with a smaller box. She said, "This is from your grandfather." I had never received a gift from just him before. I had a feeling it was really her but I opened up the tiny gift-wrapped box with its miniature bow and found a delicate pair of gold hoop earrings. I gasped.  Then I immediately put the beautiful hoops on and never looked back. I wore them almost daily for the next 6-7 years until I became obsessed with wearing pearl studs. Courtesy @gabrieldizzi Fast forward a few decades and I still own the original pair of hoop earrings but now I have an array of styles, widths, designs, … [Read more...]

There aren't many kids who would list taking care of their teeth and seeing the dentist as a couple of their favorite activities. And unfortunately, having tooth problems and needing extra dental care contributes to kids being afraid of and/or disliking brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist. Early, deliberate actions in parenting can help kids to not only avoid self-induced dental problems, but also have a good attitude about taking care of their teeth. Here are some ideas to accomplish just that. Establish Positive Routines Babies and kids enjoy predictability. Knowing their routine and sticking to it creates positive habits and positive associations with activities that might otherwise not be desirable. One idea for making dental care a positive experience is to help a child … [Read more...]

Balancing Motherhood and Homeownership

Every woman out there knows that it can be a challenge to be both a full-time mom and also try to figure out how to handle the day-to-day tasks that we are all expected to worry about. This is not to say that women can't do it. Rather, this is to say that those who embrace both motherhood and homeownership deserve a special round of applause for the efforts that they put into everything that they do. Homeownership is Complicated No matter what anyone tells you, the truth is that homeownership is a challenge whether you're looking at Victorian homes in Washington DC or New Construction homes in Philadelphia homeownership can be daunting. The process of purchasing or selling real estate or selling real estate involves documents that are often lengthy and numerous, including when it comes … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Replacing Your Roof This Fall

Replacing your roof is a major project. When it comes to home renovations, a roof replacement is among the largest. If you have a replacement coming up soon, you're not alone. If your roof is over 20 years old, it is probably due for replacement. Here are some things you should keep in mind for replacing your roof this fall. 1. Consider New Material Just because you've always had the same thing, doesn't mean you need to keep using it. Home renovations are a perfect time for you to upgrade your house. Consider using a different material when you replace your roofing. Metal roofing is popular and reliable. In fact, depending on the material, a metal roof can last 40 to 70 years. Take some time to research your options before you decide what to do. You may discover a new roofing material … [Read more...]

How to Plan for Your Future Today

Last spring my husband and I realized that we were in desperate need of some estate planning like the one on Wills, a Trust, taking a second look at what type of life insurance we had and what the value of it was versus how much we were paying monthly for it.  Did any of it make sense for our lives as they evolved?  Would it do us any good? At the time we noticed that our term life insurance was wildly out of date.  We had no real plan or details and needed some solid advice.  We worked on it, created a plan that made sense for us and our budget such as a 401K to Gold Retirement Plan, and felt we were back on track. It is worth comparing retirement vehicles to determine which one is the most suitable option for you and your family. Well, things are changing again.  … [Read more...]

The Jobseeker’s Guide to Pursuing Employment Post-COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic was difficult for many people and led to high job loss. However, now that the pandemic is dwindling down, it's time to start looking for employment again. And for any employment issue, you can ask help from reliable employment lawyers like the ones at HKM! Here is a guide on pursuing employment post-COVID to help you get started. Make Use of Your Network The people you know can be a great resource for finding a job. Talk to your friends, family, employment assistance services, and acquaintances to see if they know of any open positions or companies that are hiring. Utilizing your network is a great way to get your foot in the door, associate with future employers, and find job openings you wouldn't have thought of before. A good services like this PrincePerelson … [Read more...]

Best dating sites for over 50

Many local newspapers had online personals in the mid 1990s but were bought out by these big dating sites. From some of the comments it really shows how desperate dating sites are for money that they even advertise in comment sections. You have a much better chance going to local events and you will probably spend less than what you would spend on an online dating site, so you can find a partner to enjoy with, and even using toys you can get from sites like Apart from dating platforms, you have the option to delve into the escort industry. If this piques your interest, here's a reliable website at to consider for more information and potential experiences. Other apps have indicated that they might actually move closer to Facebook. For example, Bumble, … [Read more...]

Here’s How to Feel Confident After Getting Braces as an Adult

While the majority of people with braces are children, many are actually adults. In fact, 25% of braces-wearers are adults. If you're one of these adults, it can make you very self-conscious. After all, braces are something that you might feel makes you look childish or unattractive. This can have an impact on your confidence. If you want to feel confident as an adult with braces when getting braces in Fort Walton Beach, FL, here are some things to keep in mind. Go for More Subtle Options There are many options besides headgear or thick wire braces these days. Consider some of the other options on the market, like Invisalign or other clear braces. Additionally, invisalign braces are as effective as traditional metal braces but are much less visible to the people around you. If you're … [Read more...]

The Best Birthday Gifts for the Mom Who Has Everything

When it comes to finding the perfect birthday present for the special lady in your life, it can be tough. You want to find something that is meaningful but also practical and usable. And if she already has everything she could ever want, it can seem impossible. But don't worry, this gift shop at got you covered. Get your favorite perfume from sites like Here also are five thoughtful and unique gift ideas for the mother who has everything. 1. Custom Jewelry If your mom loves jewelry, then why not get her something that is truly unique and one-of-a-kind? There are many talented jewelers out there who can create glass art jewelry or custom pieces that are designed specifically for your mom. Whether you want to get her a Dainty Necklace, … [Read more...]