Search Results for: the fifth element

The Great Room Swap

Spiderman says, "With great power comes great responsibility."  I say, "With three girls comes lots of screaming."  The last few months seemed to have more decibels added daily than I could tolerate.  I felt like the walls of our home might fall down and the neighbors were about to call for intervention.  I was glad the cold spring was keeping our windows shut.  All three girls decided that they were not happy with their current rooming situation.  The Fifth Element no longer wanted to be in her nursery room alone.  TD and The Comedian were sick of each others faces and habits and yet once bedtime rolled around they all wanted to sleep together.  Except it was more like round 18 of screamfest 2013 complete with body slams off the top bunk.  To say that there was a lot of fighting, … [Read more...]

And I Thought I Was Losing My Mind

How many times can you hear, "Now is the winter of our discontent." without laughing maniacally at the irony of this statement.  Lately it just seems like the hits just keep on coming. It's a friend who is sick and coming to the end of her time with us. It's a toilet that breaks and then breaks again. … [Read more...]

What I Wore Wednesday

Oh readers I had such high hopes for last weeks outfits.  I packed for our Thanksgiving holiday loaded down with accessories, boots and more.  Did I take any photos of those outfits? Nope, not a one.  The only photos I have of me from our entire five day trip is this - Stylin' at the Turkey Trot, y'all!  … [Read more...]

Where’s Mummy?

It has been busy here.  Per usual, right?  I mean there are three kids under six in this house and there's work, the laundry monster, life and all the phone calls, doctor appointments and trying to decipher the best course of action we need for The Fifth Element (how about a new name?).  It may seem like I'm not here much but it is because I'm also over at these places. The DC Moms and fall trends I adore. … [Read more...]

When Something Isn’t Right

It's hard to know where to begin or if there was something I could have done differently.  I keep going back over the last few months, the last year, the last two years really and beyond that and wonder if there was something I did that brought us to where we are today. We knew this summer that things were different with The Fifth Element.  We chalked it up to the "terrible twos", the new summer schedule, all sorts of things until somewhere in the middle I began to think it was something else.  The tantrums, the hesitancy to play with kids she saw daily, the whispering of "no, no, no" until it became screams and frantic pleas to be held so close it felt like she wanted to meld into me completely. The sheer anxiety and desire to be held almost always was more than I could bear.  I … [Read more...]

Beware the Third Baby

The other day I was showering after my workout and The Fifth Element was in the bathroom with me.  She loves to be in the vanity part of the room while I'm in the shower.  It's where she can do the most damage to the carpet, closet and let loose the faucets on the tub (YEAH! Let's soak the clean laundry Mommy just chucked in there and didn't have time to hang!) and I can't catch her as quickly.  She goes back and forth between the shower and the sinks, babbling her two year-old slang and hurling elastics, brushes, self-tanners and make-up brushes around the room with wild abandon.  In the shower said 'hello' to her as she walked into my part of the bathroom.  I thought it was cute when she climbed on the scale too.  The scale she then moved under the light switch which boosted her up to … [Read more...]

On Music & Memories

There is no question that music has power.  It can heal, move and excite in a variety of ways.  It lifts your spirits, charges you up, calms you down (Who just spent 6 hours in a car this past weekend listening to only classical music because that's all The Fifth Element can handle?  I did!) and music can stir up powerful memories. It has the power to bring back moments in time. It can also bring back moments that are absolutely silly and ridiculous. Like the Humpty Dance.  And Burger King bathrooms.  Actually I used to take the ultra chunky and compact Comedian when she was just a few month old blog and make her dance to that song nightly on our counter tops.  Babies.  They are highly entertaining in that way, aren't they? Sitting in the car yesterday I heard Michael Jackson's 'Rock … [Read more...]

My Paltry Attempt at Food Blogging

July 14, Bastille Day, sent me off on a bit of a culinary spree.  I wanted to make the girls something that went beyond my own tastes of the day as a child (doughboys with maple syrup with a dash of confectioners sugar) and start something new.  I decided to make Madeleine's. … [Read more...]

The Adjustment Period

Our bags were packed the night before.  One gym bag and a two swim bags.  I woke up early, got some work done, started laundry and felt ready to tackle the day. Then the kids actually woke up. … [Read more...]

Unconditional Love

Scene:  I arrive home from the Mom 2 Summit.  I'm reeling from the noxious smell of the driver's heavy cologne, musky man scent and his uh, other malodorous qualities.  You know, the one that comes from his ass?  Yeah, that one.  I'm hungry, tired and I just want to unpack and enjoy my family.  I open the front door to screaming, tears and impatience. … [Read more...]