Search Results for: the fifth element

Giving In But Not Giving Up

I could feel my temper rising and my nerves flaring up as a bitter little voice in my head screamed, "No school on Tuesday! Again! Really?  I mean come on! That is one of my only two actual work days and I have to keep giving them up?!"  I wanted to scream out loud.  Instead I whispered, "Son of a bitch!" as I glared at The Fifth Element and Comedian's school calendars. I had already forgotten my phone at home that morning due to starting the day with some serious early risers cutting into my fleeting and precious work time. I was frazzled, out of sorts and generally a bit screechy. We left the house in a rush and I cursed to myself on the car ride to school for losing the half hour between drop-off times for both girls where I return emails from my phone.  I try very hard to segment my … [Read more...]

Oooh It’s Planet Spooky at Kings Dominion

Disclosure:  TMC was not paid for this post. Products and tickets received are for review purposes only.  Opinions are TMC's only. The only roller coaster I will ride. I will fully admit that I'm not an amusement park person.  Actually, it is more that I'm not a ride person.  My kids and husband on the other hand possess a gene for thrill rides, coasters and all things theme park that I just can't handle.  However, I do love spending the day in the park, eating all the food I can cram into my mouth (Kings Dominion has gluten free options too) and riding the kiddie rides that make-up Planet Snoopy.  Yes, really. That's how lame I am when it comes to these things.  My kids are little and for now a day spent at Kings Dominion in Doswell, VA doesn't go much beyond Snoopy's world and … [Read more...]

The Sensory Child Gets Organized Review

Disclosure: TMC was not paid for this post. Products received are for review purposes only. Opinions are TMC's only. One of the first things we learned as parents when The Fifth Element was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) was the importance of planning ahead and staying organized. We were lucky enough to receive services through our county's infant and toddler program which included speech and occupational therapy a few times a month. These sessions did not just help our daughter, they helped us as parents and as a family understand that the sensory child has a harder time than other kids navigating the world. It feels chaotic to them and they either seek or avoid stimulation to deal with their daily lives. … [Read more...]

Coin-Shaped Lithium Batteries- Protect Your Child From Swallowing Them Today

Disclosure: TMC was paid for this post in sponsorship with Energizer and The Motherhood, Battery Controlled and Safe Kids Worldwide.  Opinions and thoughts are TMC's only.  Three kids can bring a lot of emergency room visits.  I should know, I was there just last week when during bedtime the smallest one escaped tooth brushing duties and instead went exploring in my bathroom.  Not more than five minutes could have passed when I heard my middle child yell, "MOM!  The Fifth Element got into your cough syrup!!"  My heart stopped. My cough syrup isn't OTC, which is bad enough. It was just prescribed for pneumonia and contained codeine.  I rushed to her, sniffed her breath, saw a ton of cough syrup on the counter and asked her if she drank it. She burst into tears and I knew she had ingested … [Read more...]

Yogurt Pops Make for Easy Summer Fun

I will be the first one to tell you that I am so not crafty.  Glitter, beads, yarn and all those little things that make cute creations make me break out into hives. You think I'm kidding. I may like to bake up a batch of cookies or cupcakes and I've been known to make an octopus or ladybug cake but creating recipes and showcasing them on the blog or making holiday-themed crafts. It is so not my thing.  That stuff just stresses me out, man. BUT … [Read more...]

Watcha Wearing Wednesday

These last days of school are just F-U-Double L, FULL.  The kids are worn out from special activities, I'm worn out from crafts, baking and end of the year events.  At the same time I am a little sad.  Last night The Comedian had Open House at her school's Summer Science program.  It was bittersweet because it is her last year at that school. A place that has very much become a part of our world in the last five years.  When TD's first teacher remarked that our youngest, The Fifth Element, is the same age that TD was when she started out there I almost shed a few tears.    Onward! New school, new adventures, new memories and friends next year. WIWW Necklace by Jeweliq Shirt by Target Jeans by Forever 21 (similar) Sandals by Target … [Read more...]

Good Enough to Be Enough

In the past I have struggled hard to find a balance between work and life.  I continuously felt that if I wasn't working my wheels were spinning out of control.  My control over my work load and how much work I was doing defined me.  At least I thought that  it did and I even thought that I wanted it too.  Yes, I took joy in the time I was home for only 3 days in one month while six months pregnant with my third child.  Maybe it was that I used to hate my work and it was often just a j-o-b.  The last few years weren't like that and it was all new and exciting and I just wanted more.  Like a sponge I wanted to soak up as much as I could.  Then 2012 happened and it was like a giant hand just knocked me on my ass. Or as I like to think of it, God just bitched slapped me and handed me my … [Read more...]

Whatcha Wearing Wednesday

This week is nuts. Like ham sandwich on pumpernickle and rye, balls to the wall insanity.  Between trying to find a new sitter, get work done before Mom 2.0 next week and regular old life and good ol' Aunt Flo messing with my mood I am all over the place. I swear I almost stroked out the other day while trying to cook dinner, sign the kids up for camp and potty train The Fifth Element. So let's just call this the 'my crotch feels like it is falling out and if I have to wear yoga pants I will bash someone's face in' outfit, shall we?  I told you I'm feeling jolly.  … [Read more...]

Old Ass Honkey

You know this post was originally titled, "Target Haul" or something incredibly important like that. It was going to be about all the fantastically fun shit I found at Target this past week.  Except, damn.  I'm tired.  And you know why I'm tired?  Because I'm o-l-d, old.  … [Read more...]