The 21 Day Fix

I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to break a habit, get a 21 day fix, in other words.  I also read that it takes seven days.  Like a lot of dieting topics the information is conflicting and confusing.  Sometimes though you need to hit a reset button and bring you back to basics.  That's exactly what I'm doing right now by doing the 21 Day Fix*. I didn't realize it, but during the last year with the whole process of buying the house, prepping our old house to rent then the new one to move into and the actual move there wasn't a lot of time.  My schedule didn't consist of working out, working and my family, which was the norm.  It was all that, plus home repair projects on two homes, packing then unpacking and more home repair projects once we were in the new house.  In that time my … [Read more...]

Stay Fueled for Fitness

Since July I have been pushing harder to get back into running and more regular workouts, basically being fueled for fitness.  It benefits everyone in my family, trust me.  I wrote this post over at Social Moms to help get me into the swing of things. What do you do to stay motivated and fit? Don’t let the summer schedule derail your workout or quest for fitness. Stay focused and motivated all summer long with these great tips that will have you ready to workout, hit the gym or power up that DVD first thing in the morning or anytime of the day. New playlists, workout buddies and just-bought fitness attire are all excellent ways to motivate you to move. But when they stop working, try these small tricks and tips of the mind to get you moving. Busy Bees We are all super busy … [Read more...]

BODYARMOR- The Alternative Sports Drink

Soccer and lacrosse may be over in our house but that doesn't mean we have ceased all activity around here. In fact, I think we are even more active in the summer months as a family. Whether it is bike riding, days at the pool spent swimming and playing, games in the backyard or going on walks with the dog it never stops. You know what else never stops? The request for sports drinks? On the way to the game they ask for it. On the way home from a game they ask for it. After playing outside in the yard for five minutes they ask for it. Packing for the pool? They ask for a sports drink. I kind of started to hate it. I hate all the dyes, the artificial stuff pumped into them. All of it. I was intrigued when BODYARMOR sent me a six-pack of various sports drinks to try. What is … [Read more...]

Back in the Game

With all the running around, squatting and going up and down stairs while lifting heavy cans of paint you would think I would not feel so out of shape but I do.  The reality behind getting one house ready to rent, moving everything out of it and your family while renovating another house is that there isn't time for much else. Going to the gym despite my best efforts has just not fit into the schedule. … [Read more...]

Fuel Up with Power Smoothies

It's that time of year again! It's time to start thinking about New Year's resolutions, hitting the gym extra or you know, just taking a brisk walk outside.  All those holiday indulgences might be hitting you hard in the hips, stomach, and jeans.  I have a friend who calls the time between Christmas and New Year's Eve "toxin' time" because as of January 1 we all want to detox from it. Whenever I want to clean up my diet (by diet I mean what I am eating daily, not some program to lose weight) I start the day with a smoothie.  I do all types, I mix in fruit, vegetables, protein powders, flax seeds, chia seeds, yogurt, I could go on.  Each type fuels the style workout I am going to do that day or rebuilds my body after I have exercised. … [Read more...]

Paleo Cleanse- 30 Day Detox

  The holiday season is probably the worst time to take on the challenge of going paleo.  I fully admit, it adds an extra layer of difficulty.  January 1st or let's just face it, the 2nd is more realistic.  Am I right? Except that when I got the book Paleo Cleanse by Camilla Carboni and Melissa Van Dover it was after stuffing my face full of Halloween candy and with the thought of Thanksgiving coming up I just knew I needed to refine my eating habits to get back on track.  This seemed ideal. … [Read more...]

Fall Reading

    I'm not one for crafts or going crazy with decorations but I do love to dive into books year round. For some reason maybe it has something to do with the start of the a new school year, I become obsessed with new books for the family every fall. Especially if the books have to do with fall. … [Read more...]

Only the Essential

It's been a while since I have posted anything regarding "my fitness".  I spent the last two weeks of summer barely making a dent in my workout wear.  Now that school is back in session and a routine is being established the sweaty laundry is piling up. I'm so excited to show off some of my new items from SQN Sport. What's SQN stand for?  It's Latin for "only the essential". That's what SQN Sport is all about too.  Using the economy of style for sportswear.  And they do it well. … [Read more...]

Get in Shape, Girl!

I will admit that it has been hard this week to get in a good workout. Some weeks are just like that, but it is important to me to get back up the next day and try again. It may be 10 minutes one day and then a full run or actual HIIT workout or maybe just Pilates in my bedroom but I did it. I got out there. I was active. I took the time for myself to stay strong. To me, it keeps me sane and makes me a better wife and mother.   I'm starting something new with some Quick Fit Tips! Check it out and I hope you like them! Feel free to ask questions, start a conversation, offer your own tips and Subscribe to my channel! … [Read more...]

Pink & Black at the Prison Break Dash

The weather was absolutely glorious this weekend and it made for a great time with friends at the Prison Dash 5k. It was my first official run of the year and I could not have asked for nicer weather or a more fun event. I don't think there is anything quite like running by a guard tower first thing in the morning. Now that the weather is nicer I have turned my workouts outdoors. Whether it is doing my post-run stretches out on my deck or throwing on my sneakers for an early morning or pre-dinner run. The spring weather cannot be ignored. Neither can the need to wear bright colors while working out. This week was all about getting more regular workouts in and adding in new pieces to what I wear to stay in shape. … [Read more...]