Spring break last week provided me with more opportunities to work out, read books about this first British female to summit K2, which helped me to be more productive than I could of ever imagined. I was halfway through the week and realized, “I’ve worked out every day! YES!” And I rocked that routine mixing it up with ME, running and weights everyday but Sunday when we traveled.
I typically don’t go to the gym at night with the kids but last week I said, “Screw it!” It’s the witching hour in our house at that point and if I just plan enough, meaning dinner made ahead of time, I can get to my favorite class (Metabolic Effect) and be done and the kids have a blast at the gym’s Kidz Klub (don’t get me started on that spelling) every time we go they think it is like going to a birthday party.
This week I want to keep it up. I’ve already missed Monday but it might be time for some HIIT (High Impact Interval Training) which is fast and easy to do even at home. It’s all about having a plan, not just for today but the whole week. I even mark my calendar and tell the kids and my husband to hold me even more accountable. Trust me, when the kids ask why you aren’t already at the gym it motivates you to go. And, if you don’t go to the gym or make your goal for the day just know that the next day you can begin again. The key is to just keep going and trying and not beat yourself up if you fail one day. Here’s this week’s plan.
April 1-7, 2013 Plan–
1- Day of rest and acclimation. Also? Kids still home from school and the house and life was all over the place.
3- Run (at gym or with running group), miles TBD.
4- ME
5- Run
6- Weight Training
7- Day of rest
For extra effort and motivation I’m following Heart Shaped Sweat’s Challenge to BE YOUR OWN INSPIRATION. It’s all about being more active than yesterday.
** GIVEAWAY** I’m working with Notus Sports and Ragged Mountain for Stress Awareness month (Exercise certainly relieves my stress each time!) and one lucky TMC reader will win a $50 gift card to Ragged Mountain! Here are the
Giveaway Guidelines
* Contestants must provide how they exercise to relax.
* Contestants must “like” Notus Sports on Facebook – www.facebook.com/NotusSports
* Contestants must “follow” Notus Sports on Twitter – www.twitter.com/notus_sports
Comment here to tell us how you exercise and that you followed the other two steps too. Good luck! Contest ends April 30, 2013.

[…] a $50 gift card to Ragged Mountain. You can pick out a pair of running shoes even if you don’t […]