There’s Nothing Like the Smell of Chemicals in the Morning

Bug Spray. Exterminator juices (well, that sounds kind of ick, now doesn't it?) or what have you. There is nothing I like more than sitting in an enclosed space and seeing the exterminator walk through the door with his little spraying canister device. And then start spraying the office I'm waiting in. Including all around the couch that I'm sitting on and into every nook and cranny.While I appreciate my mechanics effort to be bug free what with those enticing candy machines for lost children, vending machines and the free hot muddy substance they call coffee all over the place, I do not like hanging out with or without TD and literally being sprayed as if I'm the cockroach in the corner.It might smell like victory to the exterminator but to me it just smells a bit unsafe.Read here for … [Read more...]

No, You’re a Douchebag

From the files of : Things I will not be reviewing now or ever comes...Waterworks Natural Vaginal Therapy. Works just like your ordinary douchebag without upsetting your "vaginal ecosystem".Yes, really.I'm not even going to go into how I cannot review a product like this in my current prego condition and I don't review items I cannot actually use or believe in using before writing them up. Nor will I get all twitchy about how yet, again, the PR company did zero research on who they were marketing to and how this is not something I would "endorse."But this? This just killed me."Stainless Steel and Water. Using stainless steel with running water is a recognized method of eliminating the volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause odor. The combination of a stainless steel soap bar and tap … [Read more...]

She That No Longer Speaks

Disgruntled. Angry. Exasperated. Annoyed. Futile. Pissed Off! That is me. I think futile and PO'ed really nail it though. I hate to do this because it could be seen as burning a bridge but I'm wondering if I'm the only one here who is going through this. See in the past I have written for a great little review site (not PBN! which is great and wouldn't dream of doing this to a writer!) that I really believed in. They gave me a shot and I felt good seeing my stuff in print even with out a byline. That was promised but has yet to come through. That seems to be the problem. They don't come through. With payment. I've asked nicely sending along my invoices each time they print a piece of mine. It's paltry money. It was supposed to be a regular gig. It didn't work out that way. That is fine. … [Read more...]

Dear Nice Lady Whom I Now Loathe

To the Woman in Front of Me at the Safeway Checkout,Hi! Remember me? The woman dripping in sweat because I was at the gym right before I dashed into our local Safeway? I also had the cranky toddler who everyone smiled at when she pointed to Matthew Mcconaughey and proclaimed, "Daddy!" Yes, that was me. I thought you were a nice smart lady. I thought you had your shit together when I got in line behind you. It was the express line after all. Fifteen items or less! You had more kids than groceries piled in your cart. We were simpatico. You were already sliding your credit card through the scanner when I dumped my greeting card and jug of organic milk on the conveyor belt. Easy peasy. Then you got confused.It wasn't the credit card processing. It was the coupon on the receipt. I know. They … [Read more...]