I keep things hidden away in my nightstand. Things that no one in my house can have but me. In pretty wrappings, sometimes shiny and glistening, they beckon to me as they sit and wait until just the right moment when I open the draw and pull one out just for my pleasure.It's candy. I keep loads of candy in my nightstand. Ever since Claudia from the Baby Sitter's club gave me the clever idea of hiding junk food in my room I have done just that. I am like an old lady hoarding money under my mattress. Except in my case, it is probably a box of Good 'n Plenty. Wispa bars. Cadbury eggs. Chocolate bars loaded with crunchy bits of toffee. Dark chocolate bite-sized nuggets. Sometimes gum, but that is too boring. Now that I have embarked on this 'no sugar for a month' insanity, my "goody drawer" is … [Read more...]
Jingle All the Way 10k
I had my first 10k this weekend. For so many months I have been training, then side-tracked, then training again, gearing up for the cold, dealing with my nerves and all this time fretting and fretting about my time. I was using this particular race to qualify me for RunDC next year. Then something happened.H found out about a work trip to Florida that I could accompany him on. One week in the middle of my least favorite month of the year, March. Sorry March birthday goers, but that lion/lamb thing just messes with my SAD-effected brain. The whole month is like a giant hangover to me. Kind of like how August is just one giant Sunday. Oh, is that just me? Back to the work trip then. A whole week of sunshine, time alone with H, … [Read more...]
I’m Like Forrest Gump Just Without the Scraggly Beard
Saturday morning I ran seven miles. I've never run that far before, 6.2 being my longest run until then. I did better than I thought, only stopping to walk for a minute when I hit 6.5 miles. I just couldn't get over how tired my legs felt or how tight my hip flexors were becoming. Back in May when I began training for the 5k I thought 3.5 miles was far. I never thought I would want to run beyond that. I have always liked running, feeling that high and how cleansed my whole being feels after a good run. I just did quick 20-30 minute runs without any concept of my mileage or speed. It was purely for fun and as a form of exercise. Now here I am at seven miles. I didn't think that I could run for so long alone and like it. At about mile 5.5 this song by The Donna's, came on my iPod and it … [Read more...]
Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!
"AAAAAHHHHH!" That would be the sound of me sighing in relief because today I did the deed. I woke up Sunday morning and the first thing I thought was, "YES! Only one more day before I can call my doctor to get my Mirena IUD out. YES!" Sad, in a way. I had high hopes for that little t-shaped device. It promised such good things and for five years. I was so excited about it. So excited that I brushed off the spinny, sparks in my eyes and the dizzy spells I had. The ones that sometimes came on when I turned my head while driving and everything went in slow motion. I brushed off the cramping and lower back pain too. "Meh, that's normal." It sort of is. Except when it begins to happen more and more throughout the month, every month. It's also not normal to lose whole sections of … [Read more...]
For Reals
I'm still sore for session 71 of Body Pump yesterday. Even the tiny bones in my ankles are crying for mercy.I forgot to pack my underwear in my gym bag today. For reals y'all. I had to put my granny panties that I wear to the gym back on my just showered behind. Blech. I felt about eights ways of dirty afterwards.TD said, "I'm sorry for saying, "F*cking Comedian!" the other day." After I closed my gaping mouth with my hand I told her thank you. I'll spare you the lecture that occurred afterwards, including my chagrin and inward cringing.There are seven miles to be run this weekend. Yes, all at the same time. And you know what? I'm actually really excited about it. I know I'll be exhausted afterwards but it's so much fun getting out there even in the freezing rain that was last … [Read more...]
I’m Losing My Hair. Is My Mirena to Blame?
It's typical to lose your hair after you have a baby. It happened with TD and then again with The Comedian. It's also typical to see your doctor for birth control options post-baby or to navigate to this web-site if you are not willing to get knocked up again. When I encountered the Mirena IUD it seemed like the perfect option. One quick doctor, such as the one through locum tenens, visit and I was good to go for the next five years. If I wanted more kids in that time I could have it removed. I read all the brochures, did some research and talked to friends who had used Mirena as well. It was my golden ticket to no thought birth control. Yippie Skippy! That was until I started losing my hair. I didn't pay much attention to all the hair collecting in my brush, shower, comb and sink. … [Read more...]
My First 10k- About 65% Motivated
After this past June's 5k success and last month's month of 5 day a week workouts I have decided to challenge myself once again. Really, I just want to do this in March and I need to have a qualifying 10k under my belt. So here I go!I'm going the Jeff Galloway route with training. I was about to go into my first week of training this past week when I realized that I instead of the 13 weeks of training I had scheduled I only have eight. Yikes! I cut off a few weeks and ran a 5k yesterday for the first time since June. This whole time I've been lacking my usual enthusiasm for fitness goals. However, when I finished my run yesterday I realized that I shaved six minutes off my time. It completely re-energized me and instead of shirking my workout duties this week I find I'm rearing … [Read more...]
Falling into Motivation.
How cheesy is that title? I swear the Fall does funny things to me. It makes me insatiable. While the end of summer can cause me to feel a bit melancholy, leaving me with a feeling that the month of August is a never-ending series of Sundays, I look forward to Fall with its crisp air, golden sunlight and bright feelings of promise.I plot and plan.I leave post-it stickies on pages throughout fashion magazines and dream of cozy knits, over-the-knee boots and oversized bags studded with metallic hardware.My nails go from ballet slipper pink to blue satin overnight.I become my most motivated as well. Two years ago I spent the month of October working out every single day. I didn't know I had it in me. Today, marking the fourth day I worked out this week, I walked to the library with the girls. … [Read more...]
I’m at Your Service. If You Want.
Last week I cried 'do over!' and I kept my promise. I met my goal. I worked out five times last week. It is the same bat time, same bat channel again this week. Five times. Yes, my knees are popping more than a box of cereal and I a bit more exhausted than I normally would be, but I'm not bloated anymore either. I've de-puffed myself and already my arms are looking a bit more toned. It's not going to be an over night transformation. Ah, to be 17 again... It's going to be a tad more of a long haul getting myself back to where I want to be, but I'm willing to do the work.Are you?Here's the thing. Since I began Shredding and hitting the gym again, a few months ago, I have had quite a few friends ask me all about this power-packed DVD. They have heard me talk about how great it is, how hard it … [Read more...]
Zen in the Locker Room
The ladies locker room at my gym has never been a place I frequented until recently. Sick of driving home stinky and coated in sweat post-workout I decided that it was easier to pack a bag and shower there. My first venture into the locker room wasn't the best. I'm not down with being surrounded by other sweaty bodies (it's the germophobe in me.) or when people just leave their underwear on the floor outside their locker. Yes, really. Today however was different. After running a particularly tough turn on the elliptical (intervals can be such a bitch) I sauntered in and decided to use the TV room (why there is a room with a couch and TV in the locker room I'll never know) as my personal space. I stretched, did a bit of yoga and then decided, "Screw it." I'm just going to lay here on … [Read more...]