It's Monday. Spring break has come and gone and the weather finally seems to have turned the corner. Can I get an Amen?! How about a dose of sobering reality? No filter. No touch ups. Pre-workout photo from last week. In my in-need-of-a-makeover office. How about this one? I was totally going to make my annual skin screening at my dermatologist, I swear. Another mole was not playing nice. Except I just kept putting it off with lots of excuses. It's a long drive, it sucks up work time and I can't find a sitter. Blah, blah, blah. All excuses. All the time. Then the triple threat, as I am now calling it, appeared. It doesn't look so bad in the photo, except that it was. SO BAD. It was painful, large and two days before so swollen I looked like I … [Read more...]