I freely admit that every once in a while I fall off the workout bandwagon. My fitness motivation just gets deleted. I don't actually stop working out I just end up shortening the duration of my work outs. A combination of factors creates these mini-workouts. Our daily schedule gets crowded, I lost track of time in the morning and by afternoon our schedule doesn't allow me a moment alone much less time to sweat. Getting to the gym? The travel time kills my motivation before I even grab my gym bag. Three weeks will go by and suddenly I'm eating in a not so healthy way, the workouts get even shorter and then I can't even do the ones I did just a month before without getting totally winded and spent for the day. Let's face it. I'm not 22 or even 32. The body changes rapidly but doesn't … [Read more...]
Breakfast: That Oh SO Important Meal
It may not be Monday but you can still embrace the week and start each day off right, no matter how much time you have in the morning. Check out this week's Quick Fit Tip and find out how I eat well on the go. Crazy mornings should be the first ingredient. … [Read more...]
Quick Fit Tip of the Week

I'm all about getting it done. Three kids, working from home, life is just busy. For EVERYONE. Except my dog. She is like, thirteen and really old and sleeps 23 hours a day. Half a lap around my block and the old gal is ready for a rest. Me? I need to keep it going. Stay on top of things because like it or not I seem to be the anchor in this family as my friend so diplomatically put it the other day. I'm the rock. The one who keeps things running. That means I need to run even when it isn't always easy. Here's how I do it on the particularly time-crunched days. … [Read more...]
Is a Mud Run For You?
Mud Runs by victoriamason on Polyvore Last week, I wrote an fitness post about mud runs on Social Moms and a few days later I was asked if I wanted to talk further about the topic. Typically, the answer would be no. As many of my friends have waded the muddy waters and climbed over walls I have stayed away from such runs. The idea of having to pack extra clothes, and basically scale a wall or submerge myself in mud as I belly crawl under wire did not appeal to any part of me. … [Read more...]
Get in Shape, Girl!
I will admit that it has been hard this week to get in a good workout. Some weeks are just like that, but it is important to me to get back up the next day and try again. It may be 10 minutes one day and then a full run or actual HIIT workout or maybe just Pilates in my bedroom but I did it. I got out there. I was active. I took the time for myself to stay strong. To me, it keeps me sane and makes me a better wife and mother. I'm starting something new with some Quick Fit Tips! Check it out and I hope you like them! Feel free to ask questions, start a conversation, offer your own tips and Subscribe to my channel! … [Read more...]
Running Back into Shape

Getting my miles back one at a time. It’s been a while since I have done a fitness post. That doesn’t mean I have been kicking back and not working out. That is not my style. It just means I have been squeezing in a lot of different workouts and trying new things. Hello, Ballet Barre! You make my hamstrings sing! Now that the weather is nicer I have started running again. Getting back into running means a number of things for me, like the fact that I have a race on Sunday at the old prison and I just can’t stop saying to people, “Sorry, I’m busy on Sunday. I’m running at the prison!” Relax. It is no longer housing the county’s top inmates. It is now a converted art space with a museum. I’m also desperate to find new spring and summer running gear. … [Read more...]
New Jillian Michaels Workouts and Getting Ready for Spring
I've been in full on spring cleaning mode the last ...oh wait. I've been purging our house since January 2. It's like a fever. Being cooped up I keep finding things to get rid of, donate or sell. It might be an addiction. I've been really bad about stocking up and working out though. Blame it on total dust bunny eradication exhaustion or um, general winter malaise. I couldn't take it any longer and after a friend mentioned on Facebook that she would be trying out the latest Jillian Michaels DVD. I knew it was just the kick in the pants I was looking for and desperately needed. … [Read more...]
Running the Distance while battling Lyme Disease

This fitness feature guest post is by Amy Pope Fitzgerald of the blog, Twinglesmom. Read her triumphant and truly inspiring story about living with Lyme disease while being a Mom and runner. I am ultra marathoner living with chronic Lyme disease. When Lyme first invaded my body, I was in my mid 20’s with my entire life ahead of me. I do not recall being bit by a tick or finding a bulls eye rash on my body. I woke up one day and felt paralyzed, scared and wasn’t sure if I would see my 30’s. … [Read more...]
Lucky #13- 13 Races in 2013

This is the story of Candi and her challenge to run thirteen races during 2013. This is her story, in her words. Each year, the calendar starts new on January 1st and with it people across the country come up with new resolutions for the year. My journey to do 13 events in 2013 had a less conventional path than that. I, myself am very new to running. I was that girl that used to say “I only run when a posse of angry clowns is chasing me”. My life as a runner began as a challenge to myself. A close friend set a goal to complete a half marathon before her 40th birthday and I thought “I can do that!” …Having never run a day in my life. Goals #1 … start running. One year and a dozen or so races later, I saw a challenge on-line to do 13 events in 2013 and I thought “I can do … [Read more...]
Salt-Soaked Satisfaction & the NYC Marathon

Today's guest post is the first in the 2014 fitness feature section! I'm so excited about showcasing your triumphs and goals this year! My dear friend, Ann is kicking it off with her story as she ran the 2013 INGNYC Marathon. … [Read more...]